Signing up for text messages should be as simple as possible. You want to minimize friction. At Rally, we’ve rolled out a new website subscription method that makes it super easy.
You can already text a custom keyword to a shortcode or use a QR code for easy subscriptions.
But now you can do it from a website. Here’s how it works:
For desktop subscription:
On a desktop or laptop computer, the sign up widget will ask for a mobile phone number and then offer a click-button subscribe. They’ll get a text message and be opted in to receive messages.
It’s that easy.

For mobile subscription:
On a cell phone, the sign up widget will skip asking for a phone number and just offer a button to subscribe. When they hit that subscribe button their mobile phone will flip over to their text message app with a pre-populated keyword to send to a specific shortcode.
All they have to do is hit send and they’ll be subscribed. Easy peasy.

See It Yourself
Go to to see it for yourself on the homepage. Try it on your mobile phone and computer to see the difference.
We’ll Help You Get Results
At Rally, we like to make text message marketing as easy as possible. That starts with growing your list. Make it super easy for website visitors to sign up for your text message list with our new sign up widget.
Book a demo today to see Rally in action.