Ringless Voicemail: A New Way Supporters Can Hear Your Voice

Kevin D. Hendricks
Published on | 
February 8, 2023
Ringless Voicemail: A New Way Supporters Can Hear Your Voice

Your nonprofit supporters want to hear your voice. That’s why they sign up for updates and subscribe to your lists. We have a new way for them to hear your voice: ringless voicemail.

What’s Ringless Voicemail?

Ringless voicemail is a simple way you can send a voicemail just like a text message. Your supporters will see a missed call and a new voice message in their voicemail inbox—without their cell phone actually ringing.

You can pair it with an SMS text message to include more details, like a link to a map or more resources.

Why Ringless Voicemail Matters

It’s a simple way to reach out and connect. A ringless voicemail drop lets you share your voice with hundreds or thousands of supporters at once.

They can literally hear your voice, which makes it more personal and authentic. It’s another way to humanize your communication and create more authentic and cost-effective marketing campaigns.

It’s also more effective. Plenty of people hear the phone ring, think sales call or telemarketing, and let it go. Few people will ignore a voicemail.

Cell phone screen showing a missed call from DEMO Charity and a new voicemail.

More: Go deeper for even more on ringless voicemail.

How to Use Ringless Voicemail

Here are a few tips to make the most of ringless voicemail technology:

  • Opt-in only: As with any communication you send, you need permission. Make sure this is for an opt-in contact list. You always want to make sure you have consent to use your phone numbers and comply with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
  • Warm it up: Sending a voicemail is more personal than a text message, so you want to be sure your list is receptive. Make sure you’ve warmed up your list and they’re used to hearing from you. (Rally offers pre-written text message templates to make this easier.)
  • Targeted: Hearing an actual voice works best for something that’s really personalized. Send your pre-recorded message to a targeted sublist, like a specific group of donors or event attendees.
  • Value: While people are on the go with their mobile phone, a voicemail is more disruptive than a text that can be quickly read in a glance. So make sure you’re offering real value.
  • Personal: A voice is personal and intimate, so use it to communicate something personal and important. A heartfelt thank you after a fundraising campaign or genuine excitement leading up to an event are good examples and will boost your response rate.
  • Follow up: A major benefit to ringless voicemail messages is real-time response. When people see a message in their voicemail box, they can give you a phone call back. It’s convenient for them and it’s the opposite of the robocall or cold calling approach.
  • Familiar: So who should record the audio message for your next voicemail campaign? While a founder or leader is an obvious choice, a spokesperson such as an influencer or celebrity can also be a fun surprise for your supporters.
  • Save time: You don’t have time to dial all day. The ringless voicemail server can use automation to send out your calls while you focus on other aspects of your sales process.
  • Emotional: When you record the audio, be emotional and expressive as if you’re actually calling. Don’t be monotone and boring. Smile as you record it—even though they can’t see you smile, they’ll be able to hear the smile in your voice.
  • Integrations: A good voicemail system will integrate with your CRM and other tools for a fluid and seamless marketing strategy.

Want to see ringless voicemail marketing in action? Book a demo today to see how it works. We’re happy to help with outreach, go over pricing, how to avoid the do not call list, or talk other tips and tricks (like how to show up on caller ID). We’re here to help.

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