How to Cultivate Mature Members in Your Church

Ryan Leech
Published on | 
January 19, 2023
How to Cultivate Mature Members in Your Church

It’s a plain fact that you likely already know: very few of the people in your church will move beyond regular or even engaged members into mature leadership roles.

Though few, these people are cherished in our communities and play a valuable role in helping you lead and shepherd the church.

But how do we bring these engaged members of your church into the fold and welcome them into leadership roles, whether an official office or an honorary title?

However your church decides to do it, having a clear path for members to become mature leaders in your church is vital to the growth of your church.

Here are a few ideas and templates to get you started.

Lead a Small Group

One place to start looking for leaders is in your small groups. This is often where real life is lived in your church on a weekly basis and where real joys and burdens are shared. Oftentimes, your small group community leaders serve as “front-line” pastors in your church.

Who in your small groups seems to be good at guiding and facilitating discussion? Is there someone who’s offering thoughtful insights while also asking further questions that help carry on the Bible study or sermon questions?

They might make the next leader for a new group.

Lead a Ministry Team

The same idea carries over to how people are serving the church in various volunteer capacities in the ministries of your church. People who are serving on a ministry team are already leading.

Who in your ministry teams is showing initiative? Who steps up when somebody calls out sick or is happy to help when needed? Who is the person on the team helping other team members when they’re not quite sure what to do?

Leadership Development

What resources and training do you offer members of your church who aspire to leadership, whether it be a small group leader, ministry leader, deacon, or pastor?

Do you have a clear path for someone who wants to be discipled more intentionally toward the goal of becoming a leader in your church?

Leadership development can look many different ways. It can be as simple as a few specific Sunday School classes or as much as multi-week course offerings on different topics like church history, pastoral care, theology, and more.

Try this:

Hey Junia, we are so grateful for your heart of service in the hospitality ministry and your small group. We have a small cohort starting in two weeks to further develop leaders in our church and we think you’d be great in it. Would you take a look at this link and consider it? Local.Church/LD


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