How to Prepare Your Church for Sunday

Ryan Leech
Published on | 
January 20, 2023
How to Prepare Your Church for Sunday

Sunday service has come and gone. And all your work and preparation to serve the church is much appreciated.

So what about the other 167 hours of the week after and leading up to the next time you gather with the church?

How are you communicating to your people throughout the week and ministering to them (or reminding them for the third time of that event coming up)?

Preparing Hearts

Have you ever had something else to say after a sermon on Sunday but just couldn’t fit it in or thought about it later?

Perhaps you are excited about a concept you’ve been contemplating while preparing for next Sunday.

These are great opportunities to encourage your church throughout the week.

Whether you send a simple text with a brief idea from the pastor, a link with a blog, or an entire liturgy with sermon text, songs, and prayers, texting your church for the upcoming Sunday gathering is a great way to help your people prepare their hearts mid-week.

Try this:

Hey Becca! Last week, we looked at Jesus’ words from the Beatitudes in Matthew 5 on how we ought to live as followers of Jesus. This week, we see what it is to be “the salt of the earth” through his eyes.

Check out this week’s liturgy to prepare your hearts:

Preparing Minds

Another way to communicate with your church and prepare your people for Sunday is by offering them resources during the week to supplement your sermons or Sunday school classes with resources.

This can be recommended articles, books, podcasts, or as simple as Scripture cross-references that accompany the passage you’re preaching on.

By texting your church resources throughout the week, you can help facilitate spiritual growth and maturity in your people and prepare their minds for worship on Sunday.

Try this:

Hey Charles, I was reading this great article on the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11 that I thought you mind find interesting and encouraging! Let me know what you think! Local.Church/Blog

– Pastor Juan

Preparing Hands

It’s no secret that it takes a lot of hands to make the Sunday gathering happen week in and week out – not to mention all the ministries that outflow from your church.

Equipping your ministry volunteers to prepare their hands for the work of ministry and the building up of the church is part of what church leaders are called to. It’s an important mark of a healthy church and may even prevent your people from volunteer burnout (along with healthy rhythms and schedules).

This can look many ways but it can start with simply showing your appreciation for your volunteers and teams and reminding them they don’t labor in vain.

Try this:

Hey Victoria, it’s Alleah from Local Church. I just wanted to say I’m so grateful for you serving on the hospitality team. I know sometimes it just feels like making coffee and tidying up but you’re helping people feel welcome and at home so they can worship without distraction. Thank you so much!


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