How do we bring these engaged members of your church into the fold and welcome them into leadership roles?
We love seeing new faces become regular faces. When people become recurring visitors at your church, there's a good chance...
Communicating a single, clear next step for visitors is the best way to retain new faces.
You might have heard of a reverse draw/raffle - it plays off the traditional theme but does things a little differently. This is a format that’s proving...
How often have we greeted new visitors and welcomed them to your Sunday gathering to never see them again?
"It helps us keep in touch with our members. They were asking for texting for alerts and once we found Rally it was a natural fit.” -Carolyn Carpenter
It’s a three-day, virtual conference with more than 60 nonprofit professionals sharing practical strategies. It’s your chance to innovate. And it’s free.
Texting your church leads to better engagement and moves people from first-time visitors to mature members – all while engaging your...
We have a list of nearly 70 nonprofit conferences in 2023. Find an event to help your nonprofit organization and boost the bar for 2023.
For nonprofit marketers, search engine optimization strategy often feels elusive: you may have it on your to-do list, but where do you start?
The average person scrolls through 300 feet of mobile content every day. So how do you break through? Be human.
We explore how your nonprofit can focus your efforts, cut back on the distractions, and make it work with the resources you have.
Our elders taught us to say please and thank you, but gratitude is about more than mere manners for a nonprofit organization.
“There are a lot of needs right now, so whatever amount people can give, it’s a big help.” -Alma Magsombol
A viral loop is a new feature from Rally that makes it easy to empower your supporters to share your message. It can save time and be more authentic.