5 Ringless Voicemail Drops: Real World Audio Message Examples

Kevin D. Hendricks
Published on | 
September 8, 2023
5 Ringless Voicemail Drops: Real World Audio Message Examples

Ringless voicemail can be a powerful new marketing strategy. But sometimes you need to hear it in action. So we’ve got five examples of nonprofit organizations using Rally’s ringless voicemail.

What’s a Ringless Voicemail Drop?

You can drop a voice message into someone’s voicemail inbox without making an actual phone call. They’ll see a missed call and a new voicemail message. 

A voicemail campaign is a powerful and effective way to reach someone on a mobile phone with a pre-recorded message—but without the annoying interruption of telemarketing, cold calling, or the impersonal nature of a robocall.

Ringless Voicemail Examples

Check out how these nonprofits use Rally’s ringless voicemail system for targeted outreach in various marketing campaigns: 

Pablove Foundation

Ringless Voicemail Examples: Pablove Foundation - Colby and Pablove Across America

Here’s a ringless voicemail message recorded by Colby, one of Pablove’s Shutterbugs, giving a pep talk to bike riders in their Pablove Across America charity bike ride:

Voicemail marketing tip: “Supporters always want to hear from the people they support,” said Breeana Gumpert, Pablove’s associate director of development. So get participants or recipients to record a voicemail message. 

Ringless Voicemail Examples: Pablove Foundation - Trudy and Houston Mingle

Here’s another Pablove audio message from Trudy inviting people to their Houston Mingle, a targeted event for supporters:

Voicemail marketing tip: Bring some automation to your call list and save time dialing phone numbers when you target a very specific group with a ringless voicemail drop. You can even encourage them to call back when it’s convenient if you need that real-time connection.

More: “I got a voicemail one day from James and I was like, ‘Whoa, this is so cool,’” Gumpert said. Learn more about Pablove Foundation’s marketing strategy in our case study.

Hope Walks

Ringless Voicemail Examples: Hope Walks - Scott on Giving Tuesday

Here’s another example as Hope Walks President Scott Reichenbach kicks off their Giving Tuesday marketing campaign to help 500 kids:

Voicemail marketing tip: The CEO calling your cell phone is pretty cool and feels super personal.

More: Learn more about the work of Hope Walks to help kids find freedom from clubfoot.

Special Olympics Virginia

Ringless Voicemail Examples: Special Olympics Virginia - Emily and the New River Plunge

Here’s how Special Olympics Virginia uses ringless voicemail technology as Emily invites people to participate in the New River Plunge:

Voicemail marketing tip: Boost your response rate when you follow up with an SMS text message that includes more details, like a donation link, map or other resources. That’s what Special Olympics Virginia did, pairing their audio message with a text an image to make it even more personal:

Text message from Special Olympics Virginia to accompany a ringless voicemail: "Hey it's Emily, I just left you a message. I wanted to make sure you had my number in case there's anything that I can do to help you reach your goal."

More: “Not only does it make it that much more personal, but when we send the voicemails that say ‘This is Emily, our athlete,’ she’s actually talking to them and so they know we didn’t just make up an Emily,” said Director of Marketing Services Aliza Tekavec. See our case study for more on how Special Olympics Virginia uses Rally.

HEADstrong Foundation

Ringless Voicemail Examples: HEADstrong Foundation - Logan and the Charlotte Grace 5K

Here’s a ringless voicemail drop from Logan inviting people to sign up for the Charlotte Grace 5K:

Voicemail marketing tip: Add a contact card so you show up on their caller ID.

More: “Everybody on our team was like, ‘Hey, did you get a voicemail from Rally Corp? That was pretty cool, we should try this,’” said Jeff Baxter, the vice president of community engagement at HEADstrong Foundation. They tested the voicemail service with a small group of supporters and had success. It’s now a part of their marketing strategy. Read more in our case study.

Why Use Ringless Voicemail?

  • Surprise: Voicemail marketing is still relatively new and people are frequently surprised and delighted to receive a message from a cause they love.
  • Effective: People always check their voicemail box, so a ringless voicemail drop is an effective way to connect.
  • Efficient: It can be a cost-effective way to get through your contact list and reach your leads.
  • Not disruptive: People hate it when the phone rings and interrupts their day—so ringless voicemail avoids the disruption with a simple notification. In these days of sales calls, do not call lists, and worries about compliance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), among others, your sales team should avoid bothering people at all cost.

We’re Here to Help

Ready to add ringless voicemail to your fundraising efforts? Get started with Rally today. We’ve got integrations, FAQs, and onboarding help. Our sales process is painless—we can get on the phone and talk pricing, strategy, or anything else you need to know. Whether it's ringless voicemail drops or text messaging, we’re here to help.

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About the Author

Kevin D. Hendricks

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Kevin D. Hendricks researches and writes about text messaging, mobile fundraising, and engagement strategies. With years of experience at Rally Corp and other SMS platforms, he breaks down complex mobile trends into actionable insights. Based in northern Minnesota, he also covers hyper-local news and enjoys life with his wife and two kids.